Central Texas' Future

This is a blog for the members of the Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society. It's purpose is to exchange and develop ideas about the future of Central Texas, especially Austin.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Envisioning the Future of Central Texas

The Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society will hold its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2007. It will be held at the meeting room of Marie Callender's, 9503 Research Blvd. #400, Austin, TX 78759 (512.349.7151) at 6:00 p.m. Diane Miller will speak on "Envisioning the Future of Central Texas”

The Central Texas region has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, a trend that shows no signs of slowing. In fact, of the five counties that make up Central Texas, three are among the 100 fastest-growing counties in the United States . Our population is forecasted to more than double by 2030 to nearly 2.8 million people. It’s imperative that we proactively address critical issues, such as how and where land is developed for housing and jobs, the types of homes we live in, how we travel around the region and how we preserve and protect our environment. Envision Central Texas, a non-profit organization created in 2001, has been working with the citizens of the region to address these growth challenges in a way that will help preserve and enhance our quality of life for current and future generations.

Diane Miller, Assistant Director of Envision Central Texas (ECT), will provide an overview of the work of ECT, including the alternative future growth scenarios that were developed with the input of citizens in 2003 and the resulting Regional Vision. She will discuss how ECT is advancing the Vision and serving as a catalyst for change in our region’s growth management strategies. Several of ECT’s current projects will be highlighted, as well as private and public sector initiatives that reflect that change in attitude and planning approaches that will help the region achieve a more sustainable and vibrant future. For more information about ECT, visit their web site (www.envisioncentraltexas.org).

Diane Miller has been with ECT since near its inception and works closely with board and committee members, community leaders and policy makers to help advance the organization’s objectives. Before joining ECT, Diane worked in organizational change management for corporate clients and was also co-founder of an event planning and destination management service for adventure-based team-building experiences. She also spent a number of years as a commercial insurance agent working with large transportation clients. Diane is involved with a number of community groups, including Texas Forums (www.texasforums.org), and is a recent alumni of Leadership Austin.

Seating is limited so please reserve your place at:

www.centexwfs.org/index_files/Register.htm .

For more information about the Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society, visit www.centexwfs.org.

For more information about the World Future Society, visit www.wfs.org.
Paul SchumannPresidentpaul.schumann@centexwfs.org


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