Central Texas' Future

This is a blog for the members of the Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society. It's purpose is to exchange and develop ideas about the future of Central Texas, especially Austin.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Envisioning the Future

The Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society will hold it's next monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2005. It will be held at the meeting room of the Marie Callender's, 9503 Research Blvd. #400, Austin, TX 78759 (512.349.7151) at 6:00 p.m. Dianna Amorde will discuss "Envisioning the Future".

Join Dianna Amorde of Inspired Leap Consulting for an interactive presentation on the critical importance of looking at the future from a right brain perspective.

In his book, A Whole New Mind, author Daniel Pink talks about the movement from the left brain dominate information age to the right brain dominant conceptual age. Thomas Friedman tells us in The World is Flat that countries such as China, India, and Russia are focusing on matching or beating the United States’ traditional leadership in creativity and innovation.

Dianna will share insights into why those who actively develop and use their right brains will be the "winners" in the future, share with you ways to tap into your creative and intuitive intelligence, and have you make your own predictions for the future from a right brain perspective.

Come listen and participate in a stimulating conversation about the future from a perspective only your imaginative and visionary right brain can give you!

The discussion will follow announcements, topical discussion and dinner (three-item menu selection). Attendance fee is $20 per person, for members, $25 for nonmembers, cash or checks only. (Make checks payable to CenTexWFS.) The fee includes meal, and is charged even if you do not eat. The meeting room is at the back of the restaurant on the right.Seating is limited so please reserve your place at www.centexwfs.org/Register.html.

As founder and president of Austin-based Inspired Leap Consulting Inc., Dianna Amorde inspires and trains people to use all their inner resources, including their intuitive intelligence, to permanently elevate their performance, productivity and creativity in the work environment.
Prior to launching Inspired Leap, Dianna had a successful 20-year corporate career, including leading a software division of Sierra On-Line and creating and launching consumer products at Procter & Gamble.

Dianna holds an MBA from Harvard University and a BS in business administration from the University of Southern California.

For more information about Dianna, visit http://www.inspiredleap.com.

For more information about the Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society, visit www.CenTexWFS.org. For more information about the World Future Society, visit www.wfs.org.

Paul SchumannPresident


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